Indigo Coffee (ICoffee) is located in center of Surabaya.The situation were going to vintage, minima, kitschy style, combined with a renovated façade. No doubt hoping to stand out among all the other coffee spots and cafes popping up around the capital.
ICoffee is simply as coffee shop. The decision to embrace a vintage look in decorating the shop created some extra work. Found themselves hunting through flea markets looking for antiques such as rattan and lamp. We’re use local glass from craftman.
ICoffee offer the simplicity of good coffee and homely snacks. The coffee grounds and beans come from coffee plantations in 10 areas of Indonesia and are world class. ICoffee had beans from Aceh, Mandailing in North Sumatra and Bali. There is Sidikalang coffee, which can be served with sweetened condensed milk, brewed Java coffee, Sumba coffee made with beans roasted by firewood, and beans from Toraja in South Sulawesi and Papua, which are sent directly from the source. ICoffee also served a variety of teas and food.
The situation perfectly cozy with free wifi area. Which gives guests a reason to linger, besides the coffee. The atmosphere here is far from a formal cafe, but it is still classy. It feels like home.
Enjoy !!
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